How to Care for Saltwater Fish

Find answers to your questions about caring for saltwater fish and marine aquariums.
Wrasse fish with green, orange and blue striped scales swimming in tank closeup
Stunning Photos of Different Types of Wrasse Fish
illustration of saltwater fish
The 28 Best Saltwater Fish for Beginners
Blue green chromis fish with light blue and silvery scales
Blue Green Chromis: Fish Species Profile
Swallowtail angelfish (Genicanthus sp.), front view
Swallowtail Angelfish: Fish Species Profile
marbled hatchetfish
Names of Fish Species Beginning With M
Illustration of the lifespan of popular aquarium fish
Average Lifespans of Common Aquarium Fish Species
Clownfish in marine tank
Saltwater Aquarium Fish Compatibility
Stunning red killifish swimming in an aquarium.
Everything You Need to Know About Killifish
Snowflake Eel
Snowflake Eel (Snowflake Moray) Profile
Juvenile Brown-banded Bamboo Shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum,
Brownbanded Bamboo Shark Breed Profile
Yellow tang tropical fish with coral backdrop
Yellow Tang: Fish Species Profile
Bird Wrasse Fish
Bird Wrasse (Bird Fish): Fish Species Profile
Six Line Wrasse with coral background
Six Line Wrasse: Fish Species Profile
Orchid Dottyback on reef
Dottyback: Fish Species Profile
Balantiocheilus melanopterus - Bala Shark in a tank
Bala Shark Fish Species Profile
Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans)
Beware of Poisonous Fish in Saltwater Aquariums
Firefish Goby
Firefish Goby (Magnificent Dartfish)
8 Cutest Aquarium Critters in the Sea
8 of the Cutest Fish for Your Aquarium
peppermint angelfish
Most Unique and Rare Saltwater Aquarium Fish
Ocellaris Clownfish and Anemone
Clownfish and Anemone Matches
Tiger barb or Sumatra barb Puntius tetrazona tropical aquarium fish
Common Fish Names Beginning With the Letter T
Calcinus laevimanus (Hawaiian hermit, dwarf zebra hermit crab) - with sponge
9 Top Marine Hermit Crabs for Reef Tanks
Blue legged hermit crab
Reef Tank Janitors: Hermit Crabs and Snails
Black Saddled Toby (Canthigaster valentini)
All About Pufferfish Species
Lemonpeel Angelfish
Lemonpeel Angelfish: Fish Species Profile
Acanthurus japonicus
Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus nigricans)
Cute Puffer Fish with Black and White Spots
Fish Mouth Types and Their Uses
Clown Triggerfish
Avoiding Aggression in Saltwater Fish
A starfish in the sand
Buying Starfish
Moorish idol fish
Moorish Idol (Zanclus Cornutus): Fish Species Profile
Flame Hawkfish
Flame Hawkfish (Red Hawkfish)
Striped sailfin tang
Sailfin Tang (Pacific Sailfin Tang)
Redlip Blenny
Blenny Fish Species Profile
black sturgeonfish
Convict Tang: Fish Species Profile
Adult Emperor Angelfish
Emperor Angelfish: Species Profile
Achilles Tang or Surgeon Fish
Achilles Tang Fish Breed Profile
Orange shoulder tang fish
Orange Shoulder Tang (Orangeband Surgeonfish)
Black Triggerfish on coral reef background. Molokini, Maui, Hawaii.
How to Care for Black Triggerfish in Your Aquarium
Camelback Shrimp
Camelback Shrimp (Hinge Beak Shrimp): Species Profile
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Colourful Juvenile Chevron Tang or Hawaiian Bristletooth Ctenochaetus
Chevron Tang (Hawaiian Bristletooth)
Pinktail Durgon (Melichthys vidua), near Kona
Pinktail Triggerfish (Melichthys vidua)
Goby fish in an aquarium
Sand Sifting Gobies in Your Saltwater Aquarium
Aquarium Native Gold Fish
Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Japanese Swallowtail Angelfish
10 Best Angelfish That Are Reef Tank Safe
Saltwater aquarium
Foods for Saltwater Fish and Invertebrates
Mantis Shrimp
What's a Mantis Shrimp?
Hermit Crab (Anomura spp) on the sea shore.Cousine Island.Seychelles
8 Top Reef-Safe Sand Sifters
Banded coral shrimp - Stenopus hispidus Saltwater Shrimp Profiles: Facts and Information
Facts and Care Information About Marine Shrimps
Close up of coral banded shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Can Moray Eels Live in Freshwater?
Butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) Diet and Feeding
Diet & Feeding Profile - Butterflyfish Family Chaetodontidae
Sally Lightfoot Crab
Sally Lightfoot: Species Profile
aquarium tank
How Size Affects Aquarium Weight
Freshwater aquarium
Common Mistakes When Starting a New Aquarium
Aquarium thermometer
Types of Aquarium Thermometers
An aquarium lit dynamically by LED lights
Aquarium Lighting Basics: the Case for LED Fixtures
Seahorse in fish tank
Seahorses in Saltwater Aquariums
Rasbora Fish in an Aquarium
How to Upgrade an Aquarium: Moving Fish to a New Tank
Cichlid tank decorated with live and fake plants
How to Set Up a Cichlid Tank